All Lawsuits


vs. Exxon Mobil et al.


Vermont is suing major oil and gas companies — including ExxonMobil, Shell, Sunoco, CITGO, and Energy Transfer — to hold them accountable for “numerous deceptive acts and unfair practices in connection with their marketing, distribution, and sale of gasoline and other fossil fuel products to consumers within the State.”

The lawsuit aims to make the fossil fuel corporations stop deceiving consumers, disclose the role of fossil fuels in climate change, and disgorge all profits made while engaging in illegal acts. 

“For years, these companies have misled the public about the real and significant impacts of fossil fuels on our environment and public health. Vermont consumers were given false and misleading information about the dramatic effects of these products on the climate. Vermonters have a right to accurate information in order to make informed decisions about the products they purchase.”

T.J. Donovan

Former Vermont Attorney General


State of Vermont


Exxon Mobil, Shell, Motiva Enterprises, Sunoco, Energy Transfer LLC, Citgo

Type of case


Legal Claims

Consumer Protection

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