All Lawsuits

Baltimore, Maryland

vs. BP et al.


The City of Baltimore is suing 26 oil and gas companies — including ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, and BP — to hold them accountable and make them pay for lying about climate damages they knew their products would cause. 

“These oil and gas companies knew for decades that their products would harm communities like ours, and we’re going to hold them accountable. Baltimore’s residents, workers, and businesses shouldn’t have to pay for the damage knowingly caused by these companies.”

Andre M. Davis

Former Baltimore City Solicitor


Mayor & City of Baltimore


Exxon Mobil, Crown Central, Chevron, Hess Corp., CNX Resources, Marathon, Speedway, Phillips 66, Consol, Louisiana Land & Exploration Co., ConocoPhillips, Shell, Citgo, BP

Type of case


Legal Claims

Negligence, Public Nuisance, Private Nuisance, Products Liability: Failure to Warn, Consumer Protection, Trespass, Products Liability: Design Defect

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