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Boulder, Colorado

vs. Suncor & Exxon Mobil


The City and County of Boulder is suing ExxonMobil and Suncor Energy to hold the companies accountable for their decades of deception about their products' role in climate change and to make them pay for the climate damages caused by producing, selling, and promoting fossil fuels at a level they knew would lead to catastrophic harms. 

“Communities like ours are exposed to destructive climate change impacts caused by the actions of fossil fuel companies while they reap record profits. These companies need to pay their fair share to deal with the climate chaos they’ve created and take responsibility for the climate impacts.”

Ashley Stolzmann

Boulder County Commissioner


City of Boulder, Boulder County


Suncor Energy, Exxon Mobil

Type of case


Legal Claims

Public Nuisance, Private Nuisance, Civil Conspiracy, Unjust Enrichment, Consumer Protection, Trespass
