All Lawsuits

Charleston, South Carolina

vs. Brabham Oil Co. et al.


The City of Charleston, South Carolina, is suing 24 fossil fuel companies — including Exxon, Shell, Chevron, and BP — to hold them accountable and make them pay for lying about climate damages they knew their products would cause. 

“As this lawsuit shows, these companies have known for more than 50 years that their products were going to cause the worst flooding the world has seen since Noah built the Ark. And instead of warning us, they covered up the truth and turned our flooding problems into their profits. That was wrong, and this lawsuit is all about holding them accountable for that multi-decade campaign of deception.”

John Tecklenburg

Former Charleston Mayor


City of Charleston


BP, Brabham Oil, Chevron, Colonial, ConocoPhillips, Enmark Stations, Exxon Mobil, Hess Corp., Marathon, Murphy, Phillips 66, Piedmont Petroleum, Shell, Speedway

Type of case


Legal Claims

Public Nuisance, Private Nuisance, Products Liability: Failure to Warn, Consumer Protection, Trespass

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