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vs. Exxon Mobil


Connecticut is suing ExxonMobil to hold the corporation accountable for an “ongoing, systematic campaign of lies and deception to hide from the public what ExxonMobil has known for decades—that burning fossil fuels undeniably contributes to climate change.”

Brought under the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act, the lawsuit seeks a variety of remedies including to make Exxon stop deceiving the public, pay for climate costs facing Connecticut, disclose internal climate change research, disgorge profits made while engaging in illegal activity, and fund a “corrective education campaign” about climate change. 

“ExxonMobil knew that continuing to burn fossil fuels would have a significant impact on the environment, public health and our economy. Yet it chose to deceive the public … Connecticut’s citizens should not have to bear the expense of fortifying our infrastructure to adapt to the very real consequences of climate change. Our case is simple and strong, and we will hold ExxonMobil accountable”

William Tong

Connecticut Attorney General


State of Connecticut


Exxon Mobil

Type of case


Legal Claims

Consumer Protection

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