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Hoboken, New Jersey

vs. Exxon Mobil et al.


Hoboken is suing major fossil fuel entities — including ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips, and the American Petroleum Institute —  to hold them accountable for climate fraud and damages. 

The mile-wide city along the Hudson River argues that the companies’ lies about the dangers associated with their products violate the state’s laws, including New Jersey’s state racketeering law.

“At the same time Hoboken has been ravaged by major climate events like Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Irene and regular heavier rains, Big Oil companies have been profiting to the tune of billions of dollars at the expense of the health and safety of the public. It’s time these companies pay their fair share and be held accountable.”

Ravi Bhalla

Hoboken Mayor


City of Hoboken


Exxon Mobil, Shell, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Phillips 66, American Petroleum Institute (API)

Type of case


Legal Claims

Negligence, Public Nuisance, Private Nuisance, Consumer Protection, Trespass, Racketeering

Read the complaint
Read Court Filings