All Lawsuits

Richmond, California

vs. Chevron et al.


Richmond is suing 32 fossil companies — including Chevron, which operates a refinery in the city — to hold them accountable for climate deception and make them pay for damages they knew their products would cause. 

“The fossil fuel industry could have taken steps to transition to a lower carbon future, but they didn’t. Instead, they continue to spend billions fighting public policies intended to reduce greenhouse gasses, even in some cases, while their own assets are endangered by rising seas.”

Tom Butt

Former Richmond Mayor


City of Richmond


Anadarko, Apache Corp., BP, Chevron, Citgo, ConocoPhillips, Devon Energy, Encana, ENI, Exxon Mobil, Hess Corp., Marathon, Occidental, Phillips 66, Repsol, Shell, Total

Type of case


Legal Claims

Negligence, Public Nuisance, Private Nuisance, Products Liability: Failure to Warn, Trespass, Products Liability: Design Defect

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