All Lawsuits

San Francisco, California

vs. BP et al.


San Francisco is suing five of the world’s biggest climate polluters — Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, BP and Royal Dutch Shell — to hold the companies accountable for the costs to protect residents and infrastructure from sea level rise and other climate damages they knew their fossil fuel products would cause. 

“These fossil fuel companies profited handsomely for decades while knowing they were putting the fate of our cities at risk. Instead of owning up to it, they copied a page from the Big Tobacco playbook … Now, the bill has come due. It’s time for these companies to take responsibility for the harms they have caused and are continuing to cause.”

Dennis Herrera

San Francisco City Attorney


City and County of San Francisco


BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil, Shell

Type of case


Legal Claims

Public Nuisance

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