Lauren Kuby City Councilmember

Lauren Kuby

City Councilmember

Tempe, Arizona

Lauren Kuby was elected to the Tempe City Council on a sustainability platform in 2014 and re-elected in March 2018. She is a long-time advocate for worker protections, equity, and climate-change action. Lauren is a recognized national champion for cities as incubators of innovation. Veteran journalist Juan Gonzales featured Lauren in his book "Reclaiming Gotham," citing her as evidence of a growing movement of cities taking progressive action and challenging legislative interference in local democracies. Lauren has led Tempe's efforts for social, economic and environmental justice, including: equal pay, earned sick days, climate action plans, affordable housing, animal welfare, urban forestry, transparency, and campaign-finance reform. She spearheaded a dark money disclosure amendment to the City’s charter, garnering 91.44% support from the voters. For her efforts exposing the corruptive influence of money in politics, Lauren was featured in the inaugural episode of the MSNBC docuseries, "American Swamp."