Scott Burns City Councilmember

Scott Burns

City Councilmember

Bridgeport, Connecticut

Raised on Long Island Sound and residing there again, Scott is in his sixth year serving the City Council in Bridgeport, CT. He currently serves as co-chair of the Budget & Appropriations and the Economic and Community Development & Environment committees. In his role as budget co-chair, he enacted a full-time sustainability manager position for the city. Through a collaboration among public and private leaders, Scott has promoted the Bridgeport Regional Energy Partnership (BREP), an initiative to create a hydrogen hub in the Greater Bridgeport area. Scott also is chair of Park City Compost Initiative and the Black Rock Neighborhood Revitalization Zone as well as a board member of the Central Connecticut Coast YMCA. He recently completed his MPA at Fairfield University to go along with a BA and MALS from Wesleyan University.

Scott is married to Claire Burns, an executive with The Hartford. They have two adult children: Kam, who works in social media for National Geographic, and Colin, who works in compost at Big Reuse in New York City.