Big Oil Board Members Decline to Testify About Climate Pledges

House Oversight Committee had asked board members from Exxon, Chevron, Shell, and BP to appear at a Feb. 8 hearing as part of the committee’s widening probe into climate disinformation

Press Releases

February 3, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform said today that board members from ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, and BP “declined to appear” at a scheduled February 8 hearing to “evaluate fossil fuel companies’ pledges to cut emissions and invest in cleaner sources of energy” as part of the committee’s “ongoing investigation into the role of the fossil fuel industry in preventing meaningful action on global warming, including through misrepresenting the scale of industry efforts to address the crisis.”  

Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney is now asking the board members to testify on March 8, saying that the new date is “their last chance to cooperate” and that if they refuse to appear “they should expect further action” from the committee.  

The February 8 hearing will now feature climate experts who will examine the companies’ climate pledges. 

In response, Richard Wiles, president of the Center for Climate Integrity, released the following statement: 

“Given all the loopholes and disinformation in their companies’ ‘net-zero’ pledges, it’s no wonder these board members are dodging the committee’s request to testify. If they are paying attention, they know their companies’ pledges are totally insufficient to avert climate catastrophe. No amount of spin can hide the reality that the fossil fuel industry is continuing to pollute and drive climate change. 

“The American people deserve the truth about the fossil fuel industry’s role in causing and lying about the climate crisis. If these board members refuse to testify, the committee should use its power to compel them to.” 

A CCI background document outlining the various flaws and loopholes in each of the companies’ “net zero” plans is available here.

Background on Previous Oversight Hearing with Big Oil Executives 

In an October 2021 hearing, the leading executives of the four oil and gas companies refused to commit under oath, during questioning from Chair Maloney and others, that their companies would stop spending money to oppose efforts to reduce emissions and combat climate change.