Big Oil rakes in record profits at our expense

While oil companies celebrated record profits last year, communities paid the price for their climate lies and pollution.

News & Analysis

February 7, 2023

Big Oil companies raked in record profits last year while continuing to fuel the climate crisis and leave communities across the globe to pay the price for their lies and pollution. 

ExxonMobil and Chevron made their highest-ever profits in 2022, $55.7 billion and $36.5 billion respectively, while Shell doubled their earnings to nearly $40 billion — the highest profits ever reported in their 115 year history. BP’s profits doubled 2021’s total with $27.7 billion.

Instead of speeding the transition to renewable energy, or helping communities pay for the climate damages caused by their products, the companies are instead using their record profits to enrich shareholdersdouble down on fossil fuels, and scale back their clean energy commitments.  

Fossil fuel companies have spent decades lying to the public to protect their own profits and keep the world addicted to their dangerous products. It’s more important than ever that we hold these polluters accountable in courts, Congress, and beyond, and make them pay their fair share of the damage they continue to cause.