Bombshell Tape Confirms Exxon Lies: CCI Statement

Senior Exxon Lobbyist Caught on Camera Explaining the Oil and Gas Giant’s Strategies to Attack Science and Block Climate Action

Press Releases

June 30, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.  - In a bombshell video released today by UK Channel 4 and obtained by Greenpeace UK, senior Exxon lobbyist Keith McCoy is caught on tape explaining how the oil and gas giant secretly fights climate legislation and subverts climate science through “shadow groups,” lobbying and more.   

In response, Richard Wiles, executive director of the Center for Climate Integrity, released the following statement: 

“This bombshell recording confirms yet again that ExxonMobil simply cannot be trusted by policymakers. 

“They lie about climate science and their products’ role in the climate crisis. They lie about their commitment to climate solutions. And they lie to protect their bottom line, with no regard for the catastrophic damage their products continue to cause to our planet and everyone on it. 

“It’s time for members of Congress to stop doing the bidding of oil and gas lobbyists and executives who have no interest in solving the climate crisis and instead hold them accountable.”