CCI’s Richard Wiles discusses climate lawsuits against Big Oil on CNN International

The climate accountability movement is gaining more and more attention.

News & Analysis

July 24, 2023

CCI President Richard Wiles appeared on CNN International’s global affairs program, “Amanpour,” on Monday to discuss the growing legal movement to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for their decades-long climate lies.  

Renowned journalist Christiane Amanpour interviewed Wiles alongside attorney Missy Sims, who is representing a group of Puerto Rico communities in the first-ever lawsuit to charge ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, BP and other oil and gas companies with violating racketeering laws. 

Last week, The New York Times featured comments from Wiles in a front-page story about the Puerto Rico lawsuit, which seeks to make Big Oil pay for the damage caused by Hurricane Maria. “That’s why the companies are so afraid of these cases,” Wiles told The Times’ David Gelles. “If they have to pay for the damages they caused, the costs get out of control really fast.”

Watch clips from the CNN International segment below: