ExxonKnews: Big Oil feels the heat in European courts

A new lawsuit against Italian oil giant Eni shows how fossil fuel companies could be held accountable under laws outside the U.S.


June 5, 2023

In Italy, oil giant Eni is facing a new lawsuit for decades of “lobbying and greenwashing” that led to climate catastrophe.

Two environmental groups and twelve Italian citizens hailing from Italy’s most climate-wrecked regions sued Eni last month for its historic and present-day climate deception, which the lawsuit argues led to violations of human rights under Italian and European law. The case, filed in the Civil Court of Rome, is the country’s first-ever climate lawsuit against a private entity.

The suit argues that Eni downplayed the impact of fossil fuels on the planet while expanding their production and use. In putting the climate under threat, the plaintiffs say Eni infringed on the fundamental rights to life, health, and private and family life that are protected in the Italian Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights. 

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