ExxonKnews: BREAKING: DOJ throws support behind communities suing Big Oil

Finally, at long last, the Biden administration fulfilled a campaign promise to “strategically support” climate lawsuits against polluters.


March 16, 2023

Finally, at long last, the Biden administration fulfilled a campaign promise to “strategically support” climate lawsuits against polluters.

Huge news for climate accountability: After two years of silence, the Department of Justice is finally supporting communities seeking to put Big Oil companies on trial for their climate deception and the damages they have caused. 

The long-awaited move ends the department’s Trump-era position backing oil companies in climate accountability cases and fulfills a campaign pledge that President Biden made to “strategically support” climate lawsuits against polluters. (Note: If this feels like whiplash after the Biden administration this week approved new oil drilling in Alaska, well, we’re right there with you.) 

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