ExxonKnews: Darren Woods is wrong. The past matters

It’s how we inherited the crises of the present — and an indication of where we’ll go without accountability.


March 6, 2024

An interview with ExxonMobil CEO Darren Woods is making waves this week. For a good portion of a nearly 45-minute conversation with Fortune CEO Alan Murray and reporter Michal Lev-Ram, Woods blamed governments and consumers in various ways for the global climate crisis, explaining that “people who are generating the emissions need to be aware of and pay the price for generating those emissions.”

As the world hurdles past critical thresholds of warming and climate disasters get more frequent and deadly, communities are indeed paying the price — in more ways than one. According to Woods, whose company is one of the largest emitters in history, that’s because society has “waited too long” to invest in solutions to start reducing emissions.

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