ExxonKnews: Exxon’s early climate models were creepily accurate, new study finds


January 12, 2023

'“We were excellent scientists.” 

That’s what Dr. Martin Hoffert, a physicist and former Exxon consultant, said during a congressional hearing in 2019 when he was shown a graph that Exxon scientists made in 1982 — which correctly predicted the rate of global warming for the next almost 40 years with stunning accuracy. 

Today, a group of researchers from Harvard University and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research released a first-of-its-kind study that shows just how excellent the predictions of Exxon’s scientists were — and how the company’s leadership went on to undermine those findings to our collective peril.

The new study is the first-ever systematic, peer-reviewed analysis of the fossil fuel industry’s climate modeling and projections — and its authors say it could have big implications for efforts to hold Exxon and other oil companies accountable for their deceit.

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