ExxonKnews: How climate denial was mined in Canada

Investigative climate reporter Geoff Dembicki discusses his upcoming book, “The Petroleum Papers: Inside the Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change.”


September 13, 2022

Turn back the clock more than 60 years ago, and you’ll find that the fossil fuel industry’s climate disinformation and obstruction was born out of a race to exploit the Canadian tar sands. 

Who knew? Certainly not me, before reading Geoff Dembicki’s upcoming book, “The Petroleum Papers: Inside the Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change.” Dembicki, an investigative climate journalist for more than a decade and a Canadian living in Brooklyn, tells the story of Big Oil’s deception by focusing on the relationship between the U.S. and Canadian oil producers and politicians, front groups, and think tanks. The history of their intertwined conspiracies to dismantle climate action — and the American colonization of the oil sands — is key to understanding how to address the climate crisis and hold its perpetrators accountable.

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