ExxonKnews: In 2023, climate accountability proved essential

We’re taking a look back at the past year in ExxonKnews.


December 18, 2023

With the end of an oil-and-gas-captured COP that marked a global agreement to 'transition away' from fossil fuels but failed to secure a real commitment to their phase-out, 2023 is a wrap. 

COP28 was only more proof that without accountability for the industries, corporations, and executives fueling the climate crisis, profit-driven polluters will remain the most powerful barrier to meaningful progress. 

And that’s exactly why, even as the climate crisis grows deadlier every year and oil executives are still using their political might to ensure it stays that way, writing ExxonKnews gives me hope. Looking back on the year, it’s hard not to envision a future in which those executives, instead of being welcomed into climate negotiations and awarded for a PR job well done, are sitting on witness stands.