ExxonKnews: Is Exxon declaring war on E.V.s?

The subject of a new Exxon ad campaign is debatable, but the intent — a last-ditch bid to stay relevant and necessary — is clear.


July 21, 2023

This summer is shaping up to be a failing game of whack-a-mole with deadly climate disasters. As we covered the now-fatal flooding in Vermont last week, the heat dome in the southern U.S. stretched on, with some of the hottest and longest-lasting temperatures ever recorded — leaving nearly 100 million Americans under heat advisories, many in increasing danger and with little protection. In Bucks County, Pennsylvania, flash flooding swept away cars and killed five people, with small children still missing. The Midwest and Northeast faced air quality alerts again from still-burning wildfires in Canada. FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund is already nearly depleted — and that’s not to mention the excruciating heatfloods, and fires imperiling lives across the globe.

With the symptoms of climate chaos all around us, ExxonMobil has a new pitch to keep us feeling fancy free: take your fossil-fueled car out for a spin. The oil giant is piloting a new ad campaign that appears to depict electric vehicles as shackling and oppressive, contrasted with the unbridled freedom of… getting your gas from Exxon. 

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