ExxonKnews: McKinsey and other misinformers are sponsoring Climate Week NYC

Plastic polluters and enablers of climate destruction have secured prime spots on the list of Climate Week sponsors.


September 13, 2023

This is Part 2 of a two-part ExxonKnews series taking a closer look at the companies sponsoring Climate Week NYC.

Yesterday, we explored the toxic legacy of Saint-Gobain, headline sponsor at this year’s Climate Week NYC.

Another confounding choice for a Climate Week sponsor — and the event’s opening ceremony partner — is McKinsey Sustainability, an arm of the global consulting firm McKinsey & Company, which notoriously works for some of the world’s biggest climate polluters.

In June, McKinsey — along with major fossil fuel companies — was sued by Multnomah County, Oregon, whose lawsuit argues that the firm helped deceive the public about climate change for decades. 

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