ExxonKnews: Studies agree: Big Oil is the problem

From wildfires to public health crises, new research confirms that, yes, we can blame the fossil fuel industry.


May 24, 2023

Temperatures are likely to (temporarily) breach 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels for the first time ever within the next 5 years, the World Meteorological Organisation just warned. That’s the threshold of warming at which some climate tipping points could become irreversible. This week, haze from wildfires that forced thousands out of their homes in Western Canada stretched all the way to New York City, where I live, the sickly red sun like a warning sign. 

A series of recent studies is helping to quantify some of the climate damages we have and will suffer, while all pointing back to a common cause: major fossil fuel companies, which lied for decades about how their products cause climate change and are now making record profits while continuing to extract and burn coal, oil, and gas. The new research clarifies that companies like Exxon, Chevron, Shell, and BP are indeed the problem — despite Big Oil’s years-long attempts to portray itself as part of the solution to climate change. 

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