ExxonKnews: The corporate heavyweights polluting our politics

A list of the top companies lobbying Congress on energy and environmental issues reveals who’s fighting to kill climate action.


February 9, 2023

More than 3 million adults across the United States had to flee their homes in the face of hurricanes, floods, and other severe weather events this past year, according to a new count by the Census Bureau. Roughly 16 percent of those people — many of whom have disabilities — became climate refugees, never returning home at all.

While more and more people are unmoored from their communities, forced by way of survival to financially and emotionally rebuild, the corporations most responsible for climate change are still actively fighting policies that would begin to lessen the damage.

A list compiled last month by E&E News shows that the top companies lobbying on climate and energy policies in 2022 were chemical, fossil fuel, and utility giants — and that their spending skyrocketed in response to lawmakers’ push for the Inflation Reduction Act. 

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