ExxonKnews: TIME rewards climate villains

In honoring polluters like ExxonMobil and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in its inaugural list of "the most influential climate leaders," TIME gave arsonists a firefighting award.


November 28, 2023

Two weeks ago, TIME released its inaugural list of the “100 most influential leaders driving business to real climate action,” highlighting “individuals making significant progress in fighting climate change.” While the list honors many hard-working people dedicated to addressing the climate crisis, it also inexplicably features representatives from some of the most obvious and odious climate villains, including ExxonMobil and Sultan Al Jaber, the CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.  

In a morbid-but-not-surprising turn of events, days after TIME recognized Al Jaber, the host of the COP28 climate talks that are about to kick-off in Dubai, as a “climate leader,” it was revealed that the oil executive was planning on using the climate summit to make oil and gas deals.

TIME’s climate list is a stark reminder that mainstream media is too often still failing to recognize the fossil fuel industry as the cause of — not the solution to — our worsening climate emergency.

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