New TV Ad Campaign: “While California Burns, Oil Executives Get Rich”

Ad Buy from Center for Climate Integrity in California TV Markets Says “Don’t Let [Big Oil] Stop Our Climate Progress”

Press Releases

August 4, 2022

SACRAMENTO and SAN FRANCISCO — As major oil companies rake in record profits from high gas prices, and Californians suffer from record heat waves, wildfires, and droughts, the Center for Climate Integrity is launching a new ad campaign to raise awareness about the oil and gas industry’s role in causing the climate crisis and then blocking climate progress to protect corporate profits. 

The ad portrays oil executives relaxing in a mansion while they explain the industry’s history of deceiving the public about their products’ role in fueling the climate crisis: 

“Have you noticed that the world’s on fire? Record heat waves? Does that worry you? Well, it should. Because this climate thing is your problem. And at Big Oil, we’ve made sure it’s not ours.” 

“Forty years ago, when our own scientists predicted that burning fossil fuels could lead to ‘catastrophic effects,’ we spent billions to sweep it under the rug.”


The ad is currently running on cable TV stations in Sacramento and San Francisco as part of a broader multi-million dollar climate campaign.