Watch: Legal experts discuss the case for climate liability

Stanford Law and CCI hosted a discussion about ongoing lawsuits in California and across the country to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for the costs of climate change.

News & Analysis

July 28, 2020

Earlier this month, the Stanford Environmental & Natural Resources Law and Policy Program and the Center for Climate Integrity co-sponsored an online discussion about the status of ongoing lawsuits brought by California cities and counties to hold fossil fuel producers accountable for the costs of climate adaptation and decades of public disinformation about climate change. In May, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled separately that cases filed by San Mateo County and other municipalities can proceed in state court, and that a federal district court should reconsider its decision to dismiss lawsuits brought by San Francisco and Oakland.

Speakers included Professor Ann Carlson, Co-Director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at UCLA School of Law; Sharon Eubanks, Chief Counsel at the National Whistleblower Center; and Dr. Kate Sears, Supervisor for Marin County, one of the plaintiff communities. 

Watch the event here.