Big Oil Is Still Lying

Five Ways the Fossil Fuel Industry Deceives the Public and Policymakers About its Ongoing Climate Destruction

Chevron CEO Mike Wirth made this deceptive claim in an interview at the Aspen Ideas Festival on June 26, 2023. While Chevron claims to support the Paris Agreement, the company has failed to meet any of its climate goals or benchmark indicators, according to an analysis by Climate Action 100+.

Big Oil companies are embracing a new era of climate deception.

After spending decades lying to the public and policymakers about the central role of their fossil fuel products in causing the climate crisis, major oil and gas corporations now routinely deceive audiences about their commitment to climate solutions.

This report is intended to serve as a guide for the public, policymakers, media members, and others to help recognize and counter five leading tactics that fossil fuel interests now use to evade accountability for continuing to drive the climate crisis.


"This toxic cover-up could push our world over the climate cliff.

The sham must end."