Annette Quijano Assemblywoman

Annette Quijano


Elizabeth, New Jersey

Assemblywoman Annette Quijano has represented the 20th Legislative District since 2008 and has earned the reputation of a champion legislator who understands the challenges that middle-class families must overcome and who works tirelessly to improve the lives of seniors, veterans, women, children and workers.

Assemblywoman Quijano is Majority Conference Leader, and is a member of the New Jersey Legislative Latino Caucus.

Conference Leader Quijano was the prime sponsor of landmark labor legislation, including the bill to provide unemployment benefits to workers during a strike, expand paid family leave, prevent and punish wage theft, and the Thomas P. Canzanella Twenty First Century First Responders Protection Act. Now she is continuing to fight for organized labor with legislation to ensure that terminal workers get the health care they need and the families of first responders get the dignity they deserve if the unthinkable happens.

Assemblywoman Quijano is a New Jersey native born to Puerto Rican parents. Her career began as a teen, organizing a grassroots campaign against a cable company’s decision to eliminate Spanish-language programming. This led to her election as the youngest board member of the Puerto Rican Congress of New Jersey. She was its youngest vice president.

She is admitted to the bars in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and served as assistant counsel for Governors Codey, McGreevey and Corzine. From 2019-2020, Assemblywoman Quijano served as chairwoman of the Judiciary Committee, where she oversaw passage of landmark legislation such as the removal of statute of limitations on sexual assault, in addition to advancing numerous bills to improve gun safety and ensure LGBTQIA+ rights. The Assemblywoman is a Red Cross volunteer and an honorary Girl Scout.