Dacia Grayber State Representative

Dacia Grayber

State Representative

Multnomah & Washington Counties, Oregon

State Representative Dacia Grayber is in the final months of her first term in the Oregon State Legislature, where she is proud to represent the City of Portland (SW) and the City of Tigard with over 70,000 constituents. In the House of Representatives, Dacia holds the position of Assistant Majority Leader of the Democratic Caucus, is Chair of the Veterans and Emergency Management Committee, Vice Chair of Business and Labor, and serves on the Ways and Means Public Safety Subcommittee and Wildfire Recovery Committee. In her first term Dacia passed transformative and historic policies ranging from wildfire response and climate change mitigation, to EMS innovation in elder care, to worker’s compensation reform, including expanding cancer presumptions for firefighters. She prides herself in working to break down barriers for all Oregonians and expanding opportunities for success, and leads with bravery, compassion, and determination.
When not in session, Rep Grayber continues her 22-year career in service as a full-time firefighter and nationally registered paramedic with Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue. She holds a Bachelor’s in Science from Concordia University in Homeland Security and Emergency Management and has won national recognition from the National Homeland Security Institute for her work in emergency management exercise design, as well as regional awards for her public health work in establishing a free triage clinic for unhoused neighbors. Her proudest achievement is raising four now incredible teenagers with her husband, Matt. In her free time Dacia loves any and all outdoor adventure and dreams of someday sleeping more.