Eric Morrison State Representative

Eric Morrison

State Representative

Newark, Delaware

Rep. Morrison is a lifelong Delawarean. He grew up downstate in Bridgeville and graduated from the University of Delaware Honors Program in 1996. Rep. Morrison worked for six years as a full-time educator and as a part-time educator for many years thereafter.

Rep. Morrison worked for 13 years in Medicaid, Medicare, and other vital health programs for Delawareans—such as the Delaware Prescription Assistance Program (DPAP), the Delaware Healthy Children Program (DHCP), the Community Healthcare Access Program (CHAP), and the Delaware Cancer Treatment Program (DCTP). He helped implement Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage in Delaware and traveled the state educating and signing up seniors. He now works as a technical writer.

Since a young age, Rep. Morrison has been very involved in his community. As an adult, he has held long-term leadership positions in community organizations and nonprofits including Delaware Pride and Delaware United. Also, he has volunteered and continues to volunteer for numerous community organizations like AIDS Delaware, the Rainbow Chorale of Delaware, and Faithful Friends. He has volunteered regularly at the Food Bank of Delaware for over 17 years.

Before being elected as state representative for the 27th District, Rep. Morrison participated extensively in local and state politics for several years as an activist and as an organizer. He worked to help pass important legislation, organized and moderated various forums to help educate the community about political and social issues, as well as candidate forums and debates. Also, he held “boots on the ground” and leadership roles in the campaigns of many progressive Democratic candidates and elected officials at local, statewide, and federal levels.