Erika Strassburger Councilperson

Erika Strassburger


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Erika Strassburger is a member of Pittsburgh City Council, proudly serving the residents of the City’s 8th District. She is the first woman elected to this seat. Before her election, Erika served as Chief of Staff for her predecessor, former-Councilman Dan Gilman. Prior to that, she worked for nearly a decade advocating for clean air, clean water, and a clean energy future at the state and federal levels. Since being sworn into City Council in April of 2018, Erika has passed trailblazing legislation to guard against employment discrimination for pregnant workers and their partners throughout Pittsburgh; led the charge to overhaul and modernize Pittsburgh’s municipal waste and recycling code; passed policies to prevent against discrimination based on gender identity and expression citywide; pursed a comprehensive lead safety law to keep dangerous toxins out of our homes and community centers; and secured passage of a landmark ban on single-use plastic bags at checkout which takes effect in 2023. Erika has been an outspoken advocate for policies promoting clean water and air, equitable and diverse communities, safe and complete streets, and a transparent and responsive government. She is passionate about offering new ways for her constituents to be informed & involved in city government.