Jane Stromberg City Councilor

Jane Stromberg

City Councilor

City of Burlington, Vermont

Jane is currently serving on the Burlington, Vermont City Council as the youngest woman elected to this government body. She sits on multiple committees that focus on public safety, transportation, and energy. She holds degrees in both environmental science and political science from the University of Vermont where she held various research positions from water quality to policy analysis under prominent professors in their fields. Jane previously served on the Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) Board of Trustees, VT's largest environmental and consumer advocacy group. She also has served as a Northeast Fellow for Our Climate, and organization empowering young people to educate the public and elected officials about science-based, equitable climate policy solutions. Additionally, she is employed at Green Mountain Solar as their Outreach and Policy Coordinator, where she helps to build the renewable energy movement and make clean energy accessible to Vermonters.