Ken Kerr Delegate

Ken Kerr


Frederick County, Maryland

Delegate Ken Kerr represents District 3 in Frederick County, Maryland. He is in his second term and is a Deputy Majority Whip. Delegate Kerr serves on the Health and Government Operations Committee of the House of Delegates as well as the Insurance and Pharmaceuticals and Health Occupations and Long Term care subcommittees. He represents the House on the Joint Committee for Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Biotechnology; The Commission to Study the Critical Workforces Shortage in Healthcare; and The State Oversight Committee for Quality Care in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities.

Prior to entering elected office, Dr. Kerr was a community college English Professor for 25 years. He lives in Frederick with his wife of 40 years, Helen Rozsics, PharmD. They have two children, two grandchildren and two boarder collies: Colleen and Joey.