Natasha Marcus State Senator

Natasha Marcus

State Senator

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina

Natasha Marcus is a graduate of Hamilton College and Duke University School of Law and has been a community leader in North Carolina for 30 years. She has been on the front lines in North Carolina from Moral Mondays to the Women’s March and smaller, grassroots efforts to curb gun violence, register voters, and build a stronger community. Immediately prior to taking office, she worked at a local community center that provides services and support to those most in need.

Natasha is a mother of two daughters. Natasha is the daughter of a public school teacher and a lawyer who also served in elected office. After earning her law degree, Natasha practiced law at Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey, and Leonard, LLP and clerked for a federal judge in Greensboro. She was first elected to the NC Senate in 2018 and is currently in her second term.

She is a strong advocate for public schools, affordable health care, clean water, common sense gun safety reform, fair elections, better wages for working people, and local initiatives to serve the people of District 41.