Nick Demske County Supervisor

Nick Demske

County Supervisor

Racine County, Wisconsin

Nick Demske is the County Supervisor of Racine County’s First District (Wisconsin). He defeated an entrenched 20 year incumbent to be first elected in 2018. Since then, he has advanced a progressive policy agenda around transforming public safety, expanding government accountability, closing the digital divide and broadening access and equity in many areas of government. Nick has helped recruit over a dozen young, women and BIPOC community members into elected office over the last 4 years and, through that work, has been able to play a large role in changing the entire political landscape in Racine County. Nick’s background is in racial justice work and his main policy passion area is around prison abolition and transforming the criminal legal system. Nick also spent years as a volunteer lobbyist with Citizens Climate Lobby and continues to fight for environmental policy overhaul on the local, national and international levels. Nick is the Co-founder and Chair of a Bail Fund in Racine County, The Joshua Glover Justice Fund.