Sam Fein County Legislator

Sam Fein

County Legislator

Albany, New York

Sam Fein was first elected in 2015 and is serving his second term in the Albany County Legislature, representing parts of Albany’s South End, Arbor Hill, and surrounding downtown neighborhoods. Sam has a strong record of fighting for economic, social, and racial justice. Sam proposed and passed into law “ban the box” legislation to end employment discrimination for formerly incarcerated people. He strongly backed legislation that would have guaranteed all employees paid sick leave, and he has been a fierce advocate for turning vacant buildings into community-owned housing.

Sam grew up in Massachusetts and attended Union College, graduating in 2012. He worked on several Democratic congressional campaigns before moving to Albany in 2013, the place where his great-grandparents settled when they first came to America in the early 20th century. Sam was inspired to enter public service by his grandfather, Rashi Fein, who dedicated his life to fighting for a universal single-payer health care system. Sam’s grandfather spoke about how the crack on the Liberty Bell represents the promise of the American Dream being broken for so many people. Sam was inspired by his grandfather’s belief that we all have an obligation to be “Bell Menders,” to make America an inclusive place for all.

Sam is very engaged with his community and is actively involved in many neighborhood associations and community organizations. Sam is driven by his values and prides himself on being a champion for the issues that impact his constituents. He strongly believes in government’s role in ensuring fundamental needs such as housing, health care, child care, fair wages, and education. Sam cares about the people he represents and always stands up for what is in the best interest of the people.