All Lawsuits

California Nonprofits

vs. Exxon Mobil


A group of California nonprofits — the Sierra Club, Surfrider Foundation, Heal the Bay, and Baykeeper — are suing ExxonMobil to hold the world’s largest producer of polymers used in single-use plastics accountable for its role in the plastic pollution crisis. The complaint argues that Exxon created the crisis by “promoting the fiction that single-use plastic waste can be safely, technically, and economically disposed by landfilling, recycling, or incineration” while in reality “each results in harmful pollution.” 

“The case, at its core, is about accountability. ExxonMobil’s promises of being a good corporate citizen are divorced from the reality of its conduct.”

Niall McCarthy

Partner at Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy


Sierra Club, Surfrider Foundation, Heal the Bay, Baykeeper


Exxon Mobil

Type of case

Climate / Plastics

Legal Claims

Public Nuisance, Private Nuisance, Unfair Competition
