
Our mission is to empower communities and elected officials with the knowledge and tools they need to hold oil and gas corporations accountable for decades of lying about climate change.

Through strategic campaigns, communications, and legal support, we ensure that the fossil fuel industry pays its fair share of the massive costs of climate damages.


Educate the public and policymakers about the local costs of coping with the damages caused by climate change and the need for fossil fuel companies to pay their fair share;


Communicate the legal strategy behind “polluter pays” principles and accountability for corporate deception and misconduct in the context of our current climate crisis;


Provide campaign infrastructure, science and communications resources, and strategic direction for communities working to organize around climate accountability, including supporting lawsuits aimed at holding fossil fuel polluters accountable for the damages they have caused.

Our Work


A national coalition of public officials who support holding oil and gas corporations accountable for the massive costs of climate change.


A weekly newsletter, ExxonKnews shines a light on the fossil fuel industry's role in driving the climate crisis — and the growing movement to hold the biggest culprits accountable.

A guide for the public, policymakers, media members, and others to help recognize and counter five leading tactics that fossil fuel interests now use to evade accountability for continuing to drive the climate crisis.

The first-ever attempt to calculate the price tag for nine climate adaptation measures and three climate-induced public health threats in Wisconsin.

The first-ever attempt to calculate the costs to protect communities in Los Angeles County from 14 different climate impacts.

How Big Oil and the plastics industry deceived the public for decades and caused the plastic waste crisis.

The first-ever study that estimates the costs Pennsylvania municipalities will face to protect infrastructure and communities from climate change.

“Pushing Preemption: The Corporate Campaign to Deny Municipalities Access to the Courts" documents the corporate-backed effort to curb communities’ access to justice and the web of shady actors at the helm.

Climate change is turning up the heat during the school year. As temperatures rise, cooling costs soar — up to $40 billion by 2025.

Find out what it will cost to keep rising seas from flooding your community — before the bill arrives.

News and more about climate accountablity.

Across the country, voters of all stripes—and political ideologies—are demanding that we hold the fossil fuel industry accountable for climate change damages.

A collection of reports on the impacts of climate change and associated costs in communities across the U.S.

Our Team

Our team has decades of experience in climate change advocacy, climate science, communications, social science, the law, government and investigations.
Vice President, Legal; General Counsel
Megan Matthews
Research Director
Communications Director
Political Director
Finance & Operations Director
Creative Lead
Investigative Researcher
Director of Special Investigations
Web & Technology Manager
Staff Writer
Chelsea Linsley
Staff Attorney
Research Assistant
Administrative Manager
Outreach & Engagement Lead
Corey Riday-White
Managing Attorney
Senior Reporter, ExxonKnews
Climate Science Lead
Staff Attorney
Christopher Townsend-Diaz
Political Associate
Darius West
Program Manager
Northeast Campaign Manager