Calculating Climate Costs

The Howe family lost everything when the McKinney Fire tore through Klamath River, California, in 2022.

Communities are Paying for Big Oil’s Climate Mess

CCI works with experts and communities to calculate the price tag of climate adaptation projects and other costs that fossil fuel companies have imposed on local governments.

The Costs of Climate Change

$400 B

The cost to protect coastal U.S. communities from rising seas by 2040.

High Tide Tax Report

$16.7 B

The cost facing Wisconsin residents and infrastructure from a dozen climate impacts through 2040.


$4.3 B

The cost to mitigate increased flooding in Los Angeles County through 2040.


CCI Cost Studies


Wisconsin Climate Impacts and Costs

Wisconsin faces $16.7 billion in costs through 2040 to protect residents and infrastructure from heat, floods, coastal erosion, and public health threats made worse by climate change.


Los Angeles County’s Climate Cost Challenge

The first-ever attempt to calculate the costs to protect communities in Los Angeles County from 14 different climate impacts.


Pennsylvania's Looming Climate Cost Crisis

The first-ever study that estimates the costs Pennsylvania municipalities will face to protect infrastructure and communities from climate change.