All Lawsuits

State of California

vs. Exxon Mobil


California Attorney General Rob Bonta is suing ExxonMobil, the largest producer of plastic polymers used to manufacture single-use plastics, in a first-of-its-kind lawsuit that seeks to hold the company accountable for deceiving the public about the recyclability of plastics and polluting California’s environment and communities. The complaint cites Exxon’s extensive efforts to promote both mechanical and now “advanced” recycling solutions to the crisis despite long standing knowledge that neither is viable. 

“For decades, ExxonMobil has been deceiving the public to convince us that plastic recycling could solve the plastic waste and pollution crisis when they clearly knew this wasn’t possible. ExxonMobil lied to further its record-breaking profits at the expense of our planet and possibly jeopardizing our health.”

Rob Bonta

California Attorney Genera


State of California


Exxon Mobil

Type of case

Climate / Plastics

Legal Claims

Public Nuisance, Pollution, Impairment, and Destruction of Natural Resources, Misleading Advertising and Environmental Marketing, Unfair Competition
