ExxonKnews: What the Democratic platform doesn’t say about Big Oil

There’s a noticeable omission in the Democrats’ plan for “Making Polluters Pay.”


August 21, 2024

At its national convention in Chicago, the Democratic Party this week approved its official 2024 platform, a ninety-one-page document that includes pledges to combat the climate crisis, reduce pollution, and advance clean energy. But it fails to mention any commitment to tackle an obstacle that a growing number of Democrats at the federal, state, and local levels have in recent years sought to address head on: the fossil fuel industry’s ongoing campaigns to deceive the American people about their products’ harm and obstruct meaningful climate action.

In a section on “Making Polluters Pay,” the platform says Democrats will “keep standing up to Big Oil, as our clean energy boom breaks the industry’s monopoly hold on energy markets.” It notes that the party has increased royalties and bond prices for oil and gas companies that drill on public lands, and pledges to eliminate tens of billions in oil and gas subsidies and prevent “profiteering,” “collusion,” and “price-gouging” by fossil fuel executives. 

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