Saud Anwar State Senator

Saud Anwar

State Senator

Hartford County, Connecticut

Dr. Saud Anwar, has a long record of serving the Hartford County community and delivering results for Connecticut families. A physician specializing in Lung Diseases and Critical Care Medicine, he currently serves as Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine of Manchester Memorial and Rockville General Hospitals. In the State Senate, Senator Anwar has been a leader on early childhood care, pandemic recovery and making Connecticut safer and more affordable.

Senator Anwar is involved in humanitarian and peace initiatives nationally and internationally. He is frequently invited to consult for the Connecticut government and has organized medical missions for disaster relief. His efforts have been recognized at the state and federal levels and by several professional organizations. Senator Anwar has received citations for his service to the State from Governor Rell, Attorney General Blumenthal, Secretary of State Bysiewicz, and members of the Connecticut General Assembly. In addition, Senator Anwar is an expert on international affairs. He is frequently invited to appear on national and international television and radio. These have included: CNN Wolf Blitzer, CNN Deborah Fayereck, CNN Susan Candiotti, NBC-30, Fox-61, NPR, Vectone TV –UK, Geo TV- Forum, and Voice of America-International.

Senator Anwar and his wife, Dr. Yusra Anis-Anwar, who maintains a private practice in Internal Medicine, lives in South Windsor with their sons who attended the local elementary and middle schools, and Senator Anwar’s mother also lives in South Windsor.