Climate change is costing the Silver State a pretty penny

Nevada voters want the oil and gas industry to pay their fair share

News & Analysis

October 8, 2021

2021 experienced the hottest summer on record for the United States, and Nevada was no exception. Statewide heat records were broken, with Las Vegas topping out at 117° F in July. Unfortunately, this isn’t a one-time anomaly but a problem that will only get worse because of climate change. Research shows that the Silver State can expect to see a nearly 50% increase in the number of dangerous heat days by 2050.

In 1979, Exxon predicted these climbing temperatures with stunning accuracy, noting, “The southwest states would be hotter, probably by more than 3°F, and drier.” Despite these early warnings, the company -- and the oil and gas industry as a whole -- made the conscious decision to protect their bottom line and lie to the American people about the dangerous climate change they knew their products would cause. 

After learning more about the oil and gas industry’s history of promoting climate denial and disinformation, as well as judging arguments for and against climate accountability, 85% of Nevadans think the oil and gas industry should be responsible for at least some of the costs needed to protect their state from the impacts of climate change. What’s more, 62% of voters would support Nevada’s attorney general suing the fossil fuel industry for misleading the public about the impact their products would have on our climate system. Support for litigation is strong throughout the state, with younger people (72% in favor) and Latinx voters (62% in favor) showing some of the highest levels of support.

This support mirrors other surveys from around the country. Nevadans are ready to hold Big Oil accountable. Will their state be next to see the industry in court? 

Full topline results are available here