Leaders Network

CCI’s Leaders Network is a nationwide coalition of public officials who support holding oil and gas corporations accountable for their climate deception and the damage it has caused.

All Leaders

Erik Bottcher City Councilmember
Erik Bottcher

City Councilmember, New York City, New York

Latisha Bracy City Councilmember
Latisha Bracy

City Councilmember, Wilmington, Delaware

Jenny Brekhus City Councilmember
Jenny Brekhus

City Councilmember, Reno, Nevada

Jabari Brisport State Senator
Jabari Brisport

State Senator, Brooklyn, New York

Julie Brixie State Representative
Julie Brixie

State Representative, Ingham County, Michigan

Kendra Brooks City Councilmember
Kendra Brooks

City Councilmember, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Samra Brouk State Senator
Samra Brouk

State Senator, Monroe and Ontario Counties, New York

Elizabeth Brown City Council President Pro Tempore
Elizabeth Brown

City Council President Pro Tempore, Columbus, Ohio

Aundré Bumgardner State Representative
Aundré Bumgardner

State Representative, Groton and Stonington, Connecticut

Chris Burdick Assemblymember
Chris Burdick

Assemblymember, Bedford, New York

Scott Burns City Councilmember
Scott Burns

City Councilmember, Bridgeport, Connecticut

Arlene Burns Mayor
Arlene Burns

Mayor, Wasco County, Oregon

Alex Burton City Councilmember
Alex Burton

City Councilmember, Evansville, Indiana

Brian Butcher City Councilor
Brian Butcher

City Councilor, Morgantown, West Virginia

Deborah Butler State Representative
Deborah Butler

State Representative, Wilmington, North Carolina

Join the CCI Leaders Network

CCI’s Leaders Network is an alliance of state and public officials committed to exposing the fossil fuel industry's deception and addressing the damage inflicted on our communities. Interested public officials are encouraged to fill out our contact form to learn more and connect with our team.

Apply to join the network