Leaders Network

CCI’s Leaders Network is a nationwide coalition of public officials who support holding oil and gas corporations accountable for their climate deception and the damage it has caused.

All Leaders

Joyce Mason State Representative
Joyce Mason

State Representative, Lake County, Illinois

Julie Mayfield State Senator
Julie Mayfield

State Senator, Buncombe County, North Carolina

Jennifer McEwen State Senator
Jennifer McEwen

State Senator, Duluth, Minnesota

Jalen McKee-Rodriguez City Councilmember
Jalen McKee-Rodriguez

City Councilmember, San Antonio, Texas

John F. McKeon Assemblyman and Parliamentarian
John F. McKeon

Assemblyman and Parliamentarian, Essex, Morris, New Jersey

Angela V. McKnight State Senator
Angela V. McKnight

State Senator, Jersey City, New Jersey

Jared Mead County Councilmember
Jared Mead

County Councilmember, Snohomish County, Washington

Carolina Mejia County Commissioner
Carolina Mejia

County Commissioner, Thurston County, Washington

Ryan Mello County Councilmember
Ryan Mello

County Councilmember, Pierce County, Washington

Sharlett Mena State Representative
Sharlett Mena

State Representative, Tacoma, Washington

Juan Mendez State Senator
Juan Mendez

State Senator, Maricopa County, Arizona

Tye Menser County Commissioner
Tye Menser

County Commissioner, Thurston County, Washington

Matt Meyer County Executive
Matt Meyer

County Executive, New Castle County, Delaware

Graig Meyer State Senator
Graig Meyer

State Senator, Caswell, Orange, and Person counties, North Carolina

David Michel State Representative
David Michel

State Representative, Stamford, Connecticut


Join the CCI Leaders Network

CCI’s Leaders Network is an alliance of state and public officials committed to exposing the fossil fuel industry's deception and addressing the damage inflicted on our communities. Interested public officials are encouraged to fill out our contact form to learn more and connect with our team.

Apply to join the network