Leaders Network

CCI’s Leaders Network is a nationwide coalition of public officials who support holding oil and gas corporations accountable for their climate deception and the damage it has caused.

All Leaders

Kristin Mink County Councilmember
Kristin Mink

County Councilmember, Montgomery County, Maryland

Al Mirabella County Commissioner
Al Mirabella

County Commissioner, Fanwood, New Jersey

Anna Moeller State Representative
Anna Moeller

State Representative, Kane and Cook County, Illinois

Supreme Moore Omokunde State Representative
Supreme Moore Omokunde

State Representative, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Marcia Morey State Representative
Marcia Morey

State Representative , Durham, North Carolina

Jason Morgan State Representative
Jason Morgan

State Representative, Livingston, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties, Michigan

Kelly Morrison State Senator
Kelly Morrison

State Senator, Deephaven, Minnetonka, Minnesota

Eric Morrison State Representative
Eric Morrison

State Representative, Newark, Delaware

Emma Mulvaney-Stanak Mayor
Emma Mulvaney-Stanak

Mayor, Burlington, Vermont

Brian Munroe State Representative
Brian Munroe

State Representative, Bucks County, Pennsylvania

Mary Mushinsky State Representative
Mary Mushinsky

State Representative, New Haven County, Connecticut

Michelle Mussman State Representative
Michelle Mussman

State Representative, Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Hoffman Estates, Hanover Park, Roselle, and Rolling Meadows, Illinois

LaKeshia Myers State Representative
LaKeshia Myers

State Representative, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Zellnor Myrie State Senator
Zellnor Myrie

State Senator , Brooklyn, New York

Tara N. Gaston County Supervisor
Tara N. Gaston

County Supervisor, Saratoga Springs, New York


Join the CCI Leaders Network

CCI’s Leaders Network is an alliance of state and public officials committed to exposing the fossil fuel industry's deception and addressing the damage inflicted on our communities. Interested public officials are encouraged to fill out our contact form to learn more and connect with our team.

Apply to join the network