Leaders Network

CCI’s Leaders Network is a nationwide coalition of public officials who support holding oil and gas corporations accountable for their climate deception and the damage it has caused.

All Leaders

Jonathan Steinberg State Representative
Jonathan Steinberg

State Representative, Fairfield County, Connecticut

Christina Stephenson Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries
Christina Stephenson

Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries, Portland, Oregon

Vaughn Stewart Delegate
Vaughn Stewart

Delegate, Montgomery County, Maryland

Kim Stone City Council Member
Kim Stone

City Council Member, Highland Park, Illinois

Janet Stone McGuigan Select-person
Janet Stone McGuigan

Select-person, Greenwich, Connecticut

Erika Strassburger Councilperson
Erika Strassburger

Councilperson, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Kristen Strezo City Councilor
Kristen Strezo

City Councilor, Somerville, Massachusetts

Shanette  Strickland City Councilmember
Shanette Strickland

City Councilmember , Reynoldsburg, Ohio

Jane Stromberg City Councilor
Jane Stromberg

City Councilor, City of Burlington, Vermont

Melissa Stuart City Councilmember
Melissa Stuart

City Councilmember, King County, Washington

Shelia Stubbs State Representative
Shelia Stubbs

State Representative, Madison, Wisconsin

Laura V. Sturgeon State Senator
Laura V. Sturgeon

State Senator, Northern New Castle County, Delaware

Lisa Subeck State Representative
Lisa Subeck

State Representative, Dane County, Wisconsin

Heather Surprenant State Representative
Heather Surprenant

State Representative , Barnard, Pomfret, Quechee, and West Hartford, Vermont

Teresa Tanzi State Representative
Teresa Tanzi

State Representative, Boulder County, Rhode Island

Join the CCI Leaders Network

CCI’s Leaders Network is an alliance of state and public officials committed to exposing the fossil fuel industry's deception and addressing the damage inflicted on our communities. Interested public officials are encouraged to fill out our contact form to learn more and connect with our team.

Apply to join the network